BEST FRiEND! My loyal companion would be none other than Che' Atkinson. This chick is amazing! Her and I has been BEST FRIENDS since 2nd Grade elementary, and we basically complete each other! We do everything with one another like PB&J (were like magnets) and we can always count on each other to be there NO MATTER WHAT. We even have the same dream, therefore the similarity is what makes us even closer. When were together we have the best of time and hardly ever fight and not to mention we have some of the coolest inside jokes and handshakes in this world. We stand up for one another and tell each other everything. Her and I have deep dark secrets that know one knows of but me, her and God of course! One of the reasons that she is my loyal companion is because she's that type of friend thats always going to be there for you know matter what and she wont turn on you or talk about you behind your back. She's a loyal companion. Whenever one of us is having a bad day we always call upon each other because we know that we can come to one another without any hesitation or doubt and cheer each other up without really even trying . I could not ask for a better best friend than her. She rocks! I LOVE THIS GIRL WITH ALL MY HEART!

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