MONIQUE! YAY! Well this is my good friend monique Lott. Monique and I have been friends since seventh grade and let me just say we depend on each other so much where it's to the point that we ask each other almost everyday "whats up" or "whats wrong" and no matter what we go through we know that we can always depend on one another! Monique is like that friend that you need inorder to relief stress because she's all ears and love and i am so glad that I have a fiend like her! I LOVE THIS GIRL!
WoW! DJ Christianson. Well this is one of my really close friends D.J. and yes him and I have the same name. Well let me just start off saying that me and his realationships started off fairly rough. I used to always ignore,hate and really never learned to like him until the 9th grade when i learnded to realize that him and I could really be close friedns if I juss was not so ignorant. Although we did satart off a little shaky, him and I are now the closes that we've ever been in our life and im so thankful that God has blessed me with a friend like him. -I LOVE YOU BRO. [NO HOMO]
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